FOI request (FOI-75580992)
Tressell voting
Requested Mon 14 May 2018
Responded Fri 18 May 2018Please provide electoral information in regard to Tressell voting I understand some of this information could be personal information so I am shaping my request in a way to avoid this personal data subject.
Can you firstly tell me the percentage of voters in Tressell?
Can you then provide information in relation to a table of information with headings; Voting Number , Street Name.
This table should be populated for everyone of the 600+ votes given to the two winning candidates in Tressell ward.
Q1 - Turnout figures can be found on our website: https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/mgElectionAreaResults.aspx?XXR=0&ID=222&RPID=1676241
Q2 - Information not held
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