FOI request (FOI-75332579)
TP orders in Speckled Wood
Requested Fri 11 May 2018
Responded Fri 22 June 2018Can you please provide me under Freedom of Information Request all data which the council holds in regard to TP orders in Speckled Wood this should include lime trees planted by my grand father as head gardener of St Helens Hospital under Plan No 2121A order No 157 in relation to Tp.01 to Tp.34.You should also provide all other orders and plans in this Speckled Wood Estate with a map of numbered trees and species list right across the Upper Ore Valley area known as Speckled Wood. I would be grateful you provide this within 20 days.This should extend to as far as Clifton road and be bound by church street and Victoria Avenue and Old London rd known as Vine Farm Estate
Please see attached information requested.
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