FOI request (FOI-74450531)
Requested Wed 02 May 2018
Responded Fri 29 June 2018- How many housing inspections do you carry out per year?
By housing inspections, we mean any inspections of council, housing association and private sector housing where you either visit the house for the purposes of inspecting the house for its state, suitability for accommodation, for regulatory or statutory purposes, for compliance to regulations (health and safety) etc. These are inspections of the housing asset itself, you should not include visits where the purpose is to meet the residents or landlords only. You should include:
a. Where inspections are carried out by council staff
b. Where you commission inspections by 3rd party organisations (either suppliers to do inspections or as a requirement of a housing authority etc)
Housing Renewal Team - The amount of inspections we carry out per year varies depending on demand/projects etc. A report showed that we carried out 298 inspections last year (2017/2018), recorded on inspection worksheet.
Selective Licence/HMO Team - carry out inspections for licence conditions, during 2017/18 370 inspections were carried out.
Housing Options Team - carry out six monthly management inspections on properties that are leased through our social lettings agency scheme. We have 49 units - 15 of these are rooms within HMO's. So a total of 98 inspections are completed per year. These take place at the properties.
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