FOI request (FOI-68223391)
Requested Fri 16 February 2018
Responded Mon 05 March 2018I would like to submit a Freedom of Information request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please provide figures for full-time equivalent annual basic salaries in response to the questions below:
- Please disclose the mean earnings for male employees and the mean earnings for female employees for the most recent year for which you have figures and please state the dates to which it refers;
- Please disclose the median earnings for male employees and the median earnings for female employees for the most recent year for which you have figures and please state the dates to which it refers;
- Please disclose the number of male employees by quartile salary bands and the number of female employees by quartile salary bands.
If within the limits allowable under the FOIA, please also provide the respective figures for questions 1-3 for the preceding 12 month period, and state the end date.
The information requested is available on our website under Equalities - Workforce Profile via the following link:
Freedom of Information
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