FOI request (FOI-67114907)
Telecommunication masts
Requested Thu 01 February 2018
Responded Mon 05 March 2018I am writing to you under the freedom of information act 2000, to request information regarding planning permission sought for telecommunication masts within your planning jurisdiction.
I would like to know -
1) How many planning applications were received for telecommunication masts and or related equipment during the period of:
- a) 1st January 2015 – 31st December 2015
- b) 1st January 2016 – 31st December 2016
- c) 1st January 2017 – 31st December 2017
2) How many of these applications were?
- a) approved
- b) completed
3) Where it is possible to access your most up to date telecommunications register.
The information requested can be obtained via our website on public access, please find attached link:
Freedom of Information
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