Active Hastings activity listings
Active Hastings works closely with local providers of physical activity to give you easy, fun ways to get your everyday dose of physical activity. Use one of the search options below to find out what we have to offer.
We are currently updating our website and we are aware there maybe some navigation issues with the listing page. Therefore, if you can't find what you are looking for, or wanted to double check what's available and the details, please feel free to give us a call on 01424 451051.
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41 activities
Gentle Beginner Yoga
Tuesday 7pm to 8pmWest Hill Community Centre - TN34 3JT
£7 or 4 for £25
Adult - People with long term health conditionsInclusive Accessible Dance for Adults
Tuesday 11.15am to 12.15pmOre Community Centre - TN35 5BH
People with long term health conditionsInclusive Accessible Dance for Adults
Tuesday 11am to 12noonRobsack Community Centre - TN38 9TW
People with long term health conditionsInclusive Multi Sports
Tuesday 4pm to 5pmHollington Youth Hub - TN38 9LL
£3 / £2 / Free
People with disabilities - Young peopleIndoor Bowls with Falaise Bowls Assoc.
Various days and timesFalaise Indoor Bowls - TN34 1EU
£8 per 2.5hr session
Adults - Older peopleIntroduction to Yoga
Tuesday 11.30am to 12.30pmWest St Leonards Community Centre - TN38 8BL
6 week course - £18
People with long term health conditionsInvisible Illness Fitness
Monday 12noon to 12.30pmSports Supplements Gym - TN37 7BE
£5 booking in advance essential
Adult - Disabled peopleLegs, Bums and Tums
Wednesday 1pm to 2pmIsabel Blackman Centre - TN34 3AT
Members - £5, non-members - £6
Older peopleLTA Walking Tennis
Wednesday 11am to 12noonAlexandra Park - TN34 2LD
£3 per session
Older people - Long term health conditionsMen: Mind and Muscles - Course
WednesdaySummerfields Leisure Centre - TN34 1ET
Long term health conditions -
Active Hastings activity listings
Please contact the provider directly before attending a session.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Active Hastings team.