Latest news
On this page you can find the latest news from the council, use the list below to view a specific category.
Older news can be found on our news archive pages.
Hastings Museum & Art Gallery wins prestigious Museum Association award
We are delighted to announce that Hastings Museum & Art Gallery has won Best Small Museum Project Award for its partnership project with the Refugee Buddy Project, “Illuminating Invisible Histories: Flavours Without Borders”.
Published 15/11/2024
Active Hastings Teams Shortlisted for Health Improvement Award
Active Hastings are delighted to announce two of their teams have been shortlisted as finalists at this year’s Sussex Sport & Physical Activity Awards in the Health Improvement category...
Published 13/11/2024
Celebrating a year of in-house grounds maintenance
It is now a year since Hastings Borough Council brought the management of grounds maintenance back in-house...
Published 12/11/2024
Chief Executive Update
By mutual agreement, Jane Hartnell stepped down from her post as the Council's Chief Executive on 31st October 2024...
Published 08/11/2024
Changes to beach dog controls on two beaches
Dog controls on the beaches in the east of Hastings have been agreed by the council’s Cabinet...
Published 05/11/2024
Free training for aspiring young sports coaches
Active Hastings are encouraging young people with a passion for sports coaching, aged between 16 and 25 years old to join their NextGen Coaching Network...
Published 24/10/2024
East Sussex 'Support into Work' project helps refugees secure work and training
Since November 2022, the East Sussex 'Support into Work' project has been assisting guests, refugees, and migrants to help them integrate into the local community...
Published 21/10/2024
Hastings' response to draft National Planning Policy Framework
Hastings Borough Council has responded to the government's draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) document to send our feedback on the future of the planning system...
Published 21/10/2024
Hastings Museum & Art Gallery has been shortlisted for the Best Small Museum Project Award
Hastings Museum has been shortlisted for an award for their collaboration with The Refugee Buddy Project on the exhibition 'Illuminating Invisible Histories: Flavours Without Borders'.
Published 16/10/2024
Winner announced for this year's Order of 1066 Award
Last night, dedicated volunteer Reg Wood was presented with this year's Order of 1066 Award to recognise and honour his exceptional service to Hastings.
Published 15/10/2024
Latest news
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