First meeting of new Cabinet
Published 24/01/2024
Hastings Borough Council's new Cabinet is meeting for the first time on Monday 29 January.
The new Cabinet, led by Cllr Julia Hilton, will be meeting to discuss a range of decisions at 6pm at Muriel Matters House. All residents are invited to come along to watch the meeting, and there will be half an hour for questions to cabinet members from the public at the start of the meeting. The questions do not have to be sent in advance.
Councillors will be discussing:
- the financial monitoring report, which summarises the council's finances;
- the future of internal audit services for the council with the recommendation to continue with the current arrangements of working with Orbis to provide the service;
- the pay policy statement which gives information about the pay of the council workforce, particularly its senior staff and lowest paid employees;
- the review of gating some alleys in the town, which recommends that three current gating schemes are continued, and that new gates are introduced in the town centre at Trinity Passage;
- the sale of land off Sidney Little Road;
- changes to the housing allocations policy which were consulted on at the end of last year;
- and a new agreement with Whitbread around the Cornwallis Street hotel.
Cllr Julia Hilton, leader of the council, said: "I would like to encourage all residents to get involved with the council's decision-making process, you are welcome to come to the meeting itself, or you can watch online. Residents are able to ask cabinet members a question at the meeting about any issue, if the questions can't be answered at the meeting, they will be answered afterwards. We will be discussing several important issues, including the council's financial situation and the Cornwallis Street hotel."
You can read the full agenda and reports online and you will be able to watch the meeting online or in person at Muriel Matters House, entry from 5.45pm through main reception.
Published 24/01/2024
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